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Mezinárodní telekomunikační unie potřebuje nové grafické rozhraní pro své interaktivní “vysílací” mapy



Tender: Development of the New Graphical Interface of the ITU Interactive Transmission Maps

Contracting Authority: The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva

Deadline pro nabídku: 21/6

Harmonogram: začátek července podpis smlouvy, dokončení projektu leden 2020.

Požadavky na tým – bidders must propose a team covering at a minimum the following minimum mandatory experience:

* At least four years of experience in Linux administration, including OS and package updates, CRON jobs for backups, firewall and security configuration.

 * At least ten years of experience in GIS systems.

 * At least five year of experience on projects with PostGres database administration and development (schema, procedures, etc.).

* At least five years of experience in SQL database administration and development (schema, procedures, etc.)

* At least four year of experience on Python development.

* At least five years of experience performing development services with OpenLayers or similar software.

* At least five years of experience in Apache web server administration, including HTTPS certificates signing and configuration and Javascript front-end development for single page applications.  

* At least five years of experience developing public facing multi-layered mapping web applications.

* At least three years of experience developing mobile applications (for smartphones and tablets).

* At least two years of experience with Graphical design and production, including layering, swapping colours, blending, etc.

Project Background: The ITU Broadband Map ( had its start in 2013. Pursuing the implementation of ITU’s Strategic and Operational Plan Objective D-2.3   aiming at improving ICT Infrastructure and supporting to achieving the Sustainable Development Goa1, the ITU Broadband Map is now ready to be effectively used by ITU Members. At the same time it is desired that the interface pass through new improvements to the appearance and aesthetics, and new GIS functionalities. For this reason, ITU wishes to develop a new GIS Map Application to achieve a more streamlined appearance that will dramatically improve the user experience and best showcase the ITU work on the Map to the Membership through the use of clear data visualization. The new map must improve the user experience, including on mobile and tablet devices as well as desktop, increasing its appeal. It must include animations and best colour contrast to help distinguish the different kinds of layers/networks. The new interface will be based on the public interface only and will be hosted on a dedicated server at ITU premises.

Technical Specifications of the Solution: The current Mapping Solution is a bespoke solution functioning under both HTTP and HTTPS environments and running on its own dedicated servers at ITU premises. The two existing public and protected GIS map portals are web solutions utilizing the OpenLayers library with a stack composed of PostGres/PostGlS database, Python web application and Javascript front-end.

The data feeding the Maps is based on shapefiles (.shp) as well as other well-known datasets. There is no requested database or data source transformation in the current RFP, but depending on the technical needs during the development phase, the bidder may have to apply database transformation.

A document with detailed information on the ITU Broadband Map (ITU Interactive Transmission Maps) project,                including              its           indicators            can         be           find        here: . Also the official webpage brings the latest developments on the current Mapping solution:

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