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Tendr: Long-Term Agreement for the provision of Graphic Design Services

Zadavatel: IMO – The International Maritime Organization, (Organizace OSN), Londýn

Kontrakt na 5 let, celkový odhadovaný budget (nad) €575.000

Deadline 9, August 2021, 12:00 hours (UK time)

The IMO intends to award a yearly contract for a maximum period of 5 years for the Graphic Design Services. IMO also reserve the right to make multiple awards. It should be noted that Terms of Reference include LOT1- Graphic Design Services and LOT 2 – Layout Services.

The Technical Proposal shall address all aspects of the Terms of Reference of this RFP and should include technical solutions to problems raised in the specifications giving an answer to each of the points mentioned with regard to the methodology, deadlines and organization. The technical proposal must respond to the technical specifications and provide, as a minimum, all the information needed for the purpose of awarding a contract. The level of practical details provided in the tender will be extremely important for the evaluation of the tender.

LOT 1: Graphic design services

This lot covers creative graphic design services in general, which is to be provided in the form of professional, engaging and modern visual contents, in line with the Organization’s style guidelines. The most common graphic design products used by the Organization are the following:

•             Print products: factsheets, leaflets (including bifolds/trifolds), magazines, reports, brochures, other publications with a cover page, banners, pull-up banners, posters, etc.

•             Design products: book covers (for commercial products), logos, infographics, adverts

•             Digital products: newsletters, web assets (icons, images, infographics, banners, etc.), electronic invitations/cards, digital visuals (including GIFs and material for social media), layout for digital pages (e.g. Sway)

•             Templates for: reports and other publications, newsletters, certificates, letterheads (in MS Word), slide presentations (in PowerPoint)

•             Merchandise: USB sticks, lapel pins

These products are used in a variety of projects as well as by IMO Publishing. Regarding projects, IMO is involved in partnership opportunities with a wide range of external partners, including IMO Member States, UN agencies, NGOs, IGOs and the private sector. These projects will typically require logos, various templates, infographics, promotional materials (banners, pull-up banners, leaflets, merchandise) and publications. Currently there are six partnership projects ongoing, at different stages of lifecycle, and new ones are either about to start or in the pipeline. In general, these projects can last from two to five years, depending on the agreement.

IMO Publishing is a mid-size publishing house with over 200 commercial book titles in catalogue. Graphic design products typically needed in this area include book covers and promotional material (e.g. digital leaflets/flyers) for new publications. The vast majority of design work for IMO Publishing will be done in English, but book covers may be requested, including versions in the other languages used by the Organization (French and Spanish and, more rarely, Arabic, Chinese and Russian). Although most of IMO Publishing’s design products are produced in-house, there is a need for backup service to cover any potential unavailability of internal resources.

IMO’s annual expenditure in graphic design services is approximately £80,000. This amount is shown for indicative purpose of estimated annual expenditure and not binding in any circumstances.

Type of productNumber of orders
Publication cover design45
Adverts for commercial publications25
Pull-up banners9
Magazine (editions)8
Certificates templates2
PPT template2
Greeting cards2
Letterhead template1
Conference materials1
Digital image1

LOT 2: Layout services

This lot covers layout services of IMO products based on existing template and design guidelines. It will be used for layout of reports and other long publications, such as books, for which there is an existing template.

IMO Publishing Service, a mid-size publishing house with over 200 commercial book titles in catalogue, will be the main user of requests under this lot. The layout of books will follow a pre-determined template and guidelines and work is required in English, French and Spanish publications. Occasionally, layout of books may be requested in the other official languages of the Organization: Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

In general, the nature of the books produced by IMO is technical and regulatory. The publications usually require a layout suitable for legislation (i.e. numbered structure) and the content often includes data formatted in tables, formulae, technical diagrams and chemical names, for example.

On an average year, IMO Publishing typesets around 13,000 pages, mostly in-house. Presently, layout services are covered by contracts with individual consultants and IMO’s annual expenditure for layout services (Lot 2) is approximately £35,000. However, IMO Publishing plans to increase the volume of layout work that will be outsourced, therefore expenditure is expected to increase in the near future.

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