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Last minute: Provision of video and photo essays for UN (High Commissioner for Human Rights)



Provision of video and photo essays for UN (High Commissioner for Human Rights)

The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) seeks Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified suppliers for the provision of 25 video/photo essays in total for the five (5) regions (Africa, the Americas, Europe and Central Asia, Asia Pacific, and Middle East and North Africa) for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

The Vendor will be tasked with the following:

  1. In consultation with OHCHR offices in the field, the Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division and the Communications Section to identify relevant projects per region.
  2. Research, present and produce their overall concept (based on Terms of Reference that will be provided in the subsequent tender) on how to illustrate these stories.
  3. Produce twenty-five (25) video and photography projects. Projects are divided into five (5) communication products, that is three (3) videos and two (2) photo essays, per region.
  4. Provide one rough cut in the case of film, mock-up in case of photo essays and synopsis per project for revision and discussion by OHCHR staff before final edition.
  5. Provide all b-roll in the case of video and outtakes in the case of photos on a separate hard drive.
  6. Provide captioning completed products into the language of the interview, as well as in English.

Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 29 September 2017

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