Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Koordinace ICT aktivit pro jednu z EU agentur přímo v Bruselu


Zakázka: Koordinační služby v oblasti informačních a komunikačních technologií

Zadavatel: Evropský Joint Undertaking SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research, sídlí v Bruselu).

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €980.994

Deadline 29/1

Description of required services – Services to be provided upon request of the SJU shall include:

 Detailing and instrumenting SESAR JU ICT strategy by identifying the technical solutions to put in place; understanding and challenging the services of the ICT suppliers/service providers and their proposed solutions in the context of user/system support (1st and 2nd line), network & clients infrastructure, Unified Communications (=Technical expertise);

 Implementing SESAR JU governance rules by preparing and actively participating in SESAR JU QICT Committee, monitoring ICT infrastructure and service delivery performance and reporting on it to SESAR JU QICT Committee (=Governance & Communication);

 Coordinating the ICT activities between SESAR JU representing the users and its external ICT suppliers/service providers who deliver the operational services (=Vendor management);

 Measuring the services delivered by the external SESAR JU ICT suppliers/service providers in an independent way and liaising with and communicating to SESAR JU users (=Service delivery management);

 Under the supervision of the SESAR JU, act as its technical expert to monitor SESAR JU ICT contracts and to participate in the procurement activities (=Contract management);

 Acting as technical expert of SESAR JU ICT during the project activities, whether the projects are led by the external SESAR JU ICT suppliers/service providers or result from internal corporate initiatives requiring the involvement of SESAR JU ICT (=Project management);

 Proposing the yearly SESAR JU ICT budget in the context of the SPD and monitoring its consumption by participating in the financial workflows as a technical expert of the SESAR JU and the follow-up meetings with the external SESAR JU ICT suppliers/service providers (=Budget management);

 Maintaining the list and configuration of assets owned by the SESAR JU and their lifecycle (=Asset management);

 Advising SESAR JU on service improvement activities, including process documentation (=Process documentation/implementation, continuous improvement).

 Granting and acting in full compliance with Data Protection rules applicable to SESAR JU (= Compliance with Data Protection Regulation)

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