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Grafický design pro zemědělský fond OSN se sídlem v Římě



Mezinárodní fond pro zemědělský rozvoj se sídlem v Římě hledá grafickou agenturu pro dlouhodobou (4-5 let) spolupráci. Práci je možné vykonávat na dálku. Vyžaduje minimálně osmiletou praxi a minimálně 5 podobných klientů v uplynulých pěti letech. Zájemci o zadávací dokumentaci, pomoc s registrací a s přípravou nabídky, hlašte se u mně: nebo +32-473-116804.

Zakázka: Služby grafického designu

Zadavatel: Mezinárodní fond pro zemědělský rozvoj (IFAD – The International Fund for Agricultural Development, Řím – Itálie), specializovaná agentura OSN

Jazyk tendru: angličtina

IFAD produkuje materiály ve 4 oficiálních jazycích OSN (English,French, Spanish and Arabic).

Hodnocení: kvalita 70%, cena 30%

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídky: 20/4

Service requirements: IFAD is looking for qualified service providers for provision of design development, layout, formatting and artwork finalization for print and digital materials and communications materials.

Required services include and not limited: – Creative design concepts: this requires design development, providing creative ideas and advice on how the design concept best served the content and type of materials to be produced; – Production process: the service provider will be expected to provide a realistic production timeline that will then be followed from concept to finalization; – Design and layout: it is required that the design is in line with IFAD standards and branding and visual identity guidelines; – Delivery of materials: this requires that the final product is packaged according to the different distribution or production needs. This includes preparing the high resolution print pdf files for offset printing, digital printing or low resolution pdf files for web posting. All final artwork files must be delivered to IFAD after completion of work, including original files (Indesign, Illustrator, etc.).

Potential products include: – Reports; – Brochures; – Leaflets; – Manuals; – Workshop materials.

Minimum requirement to vendors:

– At least 8 years of experience in graphic design and visual communications, more is an advantage;

– Electronic portfolio with samples of previous works, as requested below;

– Minimum 5 clients in the past 5 years for provision of similar services.

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