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Grafický design pro centrálu OSN v New Yorku. Práce až na 5 let

Tender: Provision of design services to the United Nations

Zadavatel: UN Procurement Division (The main client will be United Nations Development Coordination Office – UNDCO).

Momentálně běží výzva k projevení zájmu, deadline 31/1 – zadavatel následně vyzve vybrané zájemce k účasti v tendru

The United Nations Procurement Division intends to establish a Long Term Agreement (LTA) for design services on behalf of the UN system for a 3-year period with the option to extend the agreement for two (2) additional periods of 1-year each based on satisfactory performance and at the sole discretion of the UN.

The primary aim of this EOI is to solicit interest from qualified firms with the capability to provide the services as described in this EOI. In this regard, prospective contractors are hereby invited to respond to this EOI.

The UN requires support of a design firm to produce advocacy materials, reports, and flagship publications.

The qualified design firm may also be requested to adapt the materials into the UN official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The adaptation will be based on existing files provided by the UN. Branding guidelines will be provided along with access to all branding assets.

Main activities will include:

a. Publishing and Layout for a wide range of print and digital publications such as publication reports, brochures, booklets, guidelines, technical reports and fact sheets. These products include graphic design elements such as statistical graphics, infographics, iconographies, maps and photography.

b. Presentation Design: In order to present to diverse audiences, the UN actions and impacts in user-friendly presentation formats, these presentations must have a visually striking and dynamic narrative of content.

c. Graphic Design: The UN requires graphic design services, such as iconography, infographics, etc.

d. Data Visualization: The UN provides data and analytical tools to help measure outcomes and impacts. It is necessary to translate this information into data visualization to better communicate the results. Products to be designed may include interactive graphics, videos and animated gifs, mapping tools and interactive maps, data-driven briefs, etc.

e. Illustration: Some UN products require illustrations, to be on a cover for a report, or in a publication, or for video needs.

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