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Grafický design pro agenturu UNAIDS, Ženeva

Graphic Design Services (Long Term Agreement na 4 roky)

UNAIDS – Agentura OSN pro boj s AIDS, Ženeva

Deadline: 27th February 2019, 17:00 Geneva time

The provider shall be a public institution, company, individual or NGO operating in the field of graphic design with proven expertise in the creative process of designing print, web and social media content for communications products and corporate publications.


• Demonstrated experience of at least 5  years in the following areas, but not limited to: publication designs and templates, document layout, creation of graphs, charts and PowerPoint slides, creation/updates to overall brand and brand guidelines, brand building web sites, promotional materials (e.g. banners, greeting cards, posters, etc), graphic design and layout for websites, graphic design for social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., advertising and marketing creative design.

• Experience to be demonstrated in the references and CV.

• Previous work with international organizations is an advantage.

The successful bidder(s) will be required to perform a variety of design related services. Bidders can reply to:

a. the Creative work,

b. the Template-driven work

c. or both of them

These will include, but not limited to, the following:

Creative work

1. Develop creative concepts for materials and promotional campaigns using a range of digital and print materials.

2. Create designs for websites and digital dissemination, including infographics and animated and interactive elements..

3. Develop designs for social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, and/or other web and social media work).

4. Develop brand identity materials and templates for new document types.

5. Design and layout reports, brochures and other documents.

6. Design corporate promotion materials (e.g. banners, greeting cards, posters, etc.).

Template-driven work

7. Lay out new documents using design templates

8. Using the layout of existing documents, layout editions in other languages (French, Spanish and Russian).

9. Replicate corporate design across a range of materials.

10. Prepare pre-print and pre-production files for communication tools, including banners, posters, promotional items, etc.

Background: UNAIDS current annual volume for this type of services is approximately USD 250,000 per year. UNAIDS intends to award multiple LTAs to provide these services.

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