Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Frontex wants to ensure the smooth running of its IT operations


Multiple Framework Contract for the Provision of the Services for Designing, Implementing, Managing, Operating and Supporting Information Systems under Time and Means Conditions (DESOPS)

Estimated value excluding VAT: €186.500 .000

Buyer: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Warsaw

Duration: 48 Months

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 15/07/2024

Description: The main goal of this procurement procedure is to establish multiple Framework Contracts with reopening of competition enabling efficient provision of services for running ICT operations: designing, implementing, managing, operating and supporting information systems to be implemented based on a resource-oriented approach (time and means). The Framework Contracts resulting from this call for tenders will be a source of acquiring technical services for the following areas: 1. Designing, implementing and configuring new ICT services and information systems, 2. Managing, operating and supporting new and existing ICT services and information systems, 3. Other areas involved in effective implementation and operations of ICT services and information systems like: enterprise architecture, information systems’ security, service management, governance, quality assurance etc. Services may concern all types of information systems and all areas. Services may concern: hardware, software, systems, applications, projects, processes, maintenance and support. Services may address the current technologies as well as legacy technologies and the new emerging technologies.

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