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Evropská komise dá až €800.000 na podporu „mediální gramotnosti“


Projekt: Pilot project on Media Literacy for All

Zadavatel: Evropská komise (Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology), Brusel

Nejde o tendr, ale o podporu maximálně čtyř projektů až do výše 60% nákladů (maximálně ale €200.000/projekt). Každý z projektů by měl pokrývat minimálně 5 členských zemí EU a 3 jazyky. Doba trvání „pilotu“: 12 měsíců.

Deadline pro podání žádosti: 8/12

Typy projektů, které mohou uspět s žádostí o podporu:

Projects which facilitate a more structured analysis of disinformation propagation, with effective coordination between different countries involved in the fight against misinformation.

Innovative campaigns aimed at helping social media users to exercise critical thinking and responsibility, exploring, for example, how to harness the power of social media influencers with the aim of educating social media users in critical evaluation techniques;

Multilingual online material and interactive tools to improve the capacities of citizens to acquire a critical understanding of information/images accessed via social media and how to interact with it;

Dissemination of best practice, for instance through conferences, workshops, on-line platforms and/or training programmes;

Any other relevant innovative activities aimed at developing citizens’ ability to dtinguish information from propaganda and fake news, to deconstruct media communication or any other capacity related to critical thinking towards the media;

Activities involving local communities or networks to tailor and make accessible some of the above tools to minorities, people with limited formal education, digital immigrants (50+) or people at risk of being socially marginalised.

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