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European Parliament seeks experts on women´s rights and gender equality


European Parliament opens call for tenders for contracts for the provision of external expertise to the EP´s committee on women´s rights and gender equality. The contract will be dividied into 3 (independent) lots:

Lot 1 – Economic Issues: This lot notably requests knowledge and expertise in micro- and macro-economy from a gender equality and/or women’s rights perspective. This includes the relevant legal provisions and data and statistics at the national and/or European level. The subjects of the deliverables will be related to the relevant provisions of the CEDAW, the BPfA, the Union’s gender equality policies and laws, the domains of EIGE’s GEI, including the assessment from an economic perspective of the implementation of gender equality policies and laws of the European Union or Member States. The expertise requested might also include the application of methods of gender mainstreaming, gender budgeting and gender impact assessments. The expert should preferably have himself/herself or within his/her team the ability to address the specific issues using a multidisciplinary approach to ensure that no dimension inherent to the advice required is neglected.

Lot 2 – Sociological Issues: This lot notably requests knowledge and expertise in social and political science from a gender equality and/or women’s rights perspective. This includes relevant legal provisions and data and statistics at the national and/or European level. The subjects of the deliverables will be related to the relevant provisions of the CEDAW, the BPfA, the Union’s gender equality policies and laws, the domains of EIGE’s GEI, including the assessment from a sociological or political science perspective of the implementation of gender equality policies and laws of the European Union or Member States.

Lot 3: Women’s rights and gender equality in third countries: Women in third countries may face specific living conditions and problems directly linked to their gender. The experts will have to prove knowledge and expertise in notably: external relations of the Union, the role of the Union in development cooperation, sociology, ethnology, and the international framework of human rights law, including its various actors. Knowledge and expertise of relevant legal provisions and data and statistics at the national and/or international level is essential. The subjects of the deliverables will address women’s rights and gender equality provisions and their implementation in third countries as set out, mainly but not exclusively, in the CEDAW, the BPfA and the Union’s external gender equality policy documents.

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