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EU tendry a granty v oblasti zdraví v roce 2014


I. Existují klasické tendry, ty jsou vyhlašovány nárazově, podle potřeby. Momentálně běží jen tendr na podporu externí komunikace.

II. Pak EK dotuje (60 až 80%) „projekty“, v určitých kategoriích (jsou vyhlašovány vždy počátkem každého roku, loni to byly: 1) Improve access to early diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and timely treatment and care of most vulnerable groups and in priority regions, 2) Addressing chronic diseases and promoting healthy ageing across the life cycle a 3) Supporting the priorities of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing). Je třeba sehnat zbylé finance a splnit požadavek na „evropskou dimenzi“ projektu (6-10 partnerů v rámci celé EU)

III. Operační granty pro chod již existujících organizací. Vyhlašovány vždy počátkem každého roku. Eligible are non-governmental bodies or specialized networks, which are non-profit-making, are independent of industry, commercial and business or other conflicting interests, have members in at least half of the Member States, are active on EU level and pursue as their primary goal one or more objectives of the EU Health Programme.

IV. Dotace na konference. Max 50%, max €100.000. Financial contributions may be awarded by the European Union for the organisation of conferences which: 1) pursue as their primary goal one or more priorities of this annual work plan, 2) have European Union-wide dimension, i.e. engage representatives of ten or more countries participating in the EU Health Programme, 3) are organised by a public body or a non-profit-making body established in a country participating in the EU Health Programme, and which has relevant experience in cooperation at EU level.

V „Health Programme“ na období 2014 až 2020 je €446 milionů. Prioritně budou podporovány tyto oblasti:

Objective 1: To contribute to the creation of innovative and sustainable health systems. Action will develop tools and mechanisms at EU level to address shortages of human and financial resources, to facilitate uptake of innovation in healthcare through HTA and eHealth, expertise on healthcare reforms and support to the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. Action under the programme will also contribute to forecasting demand for health professionals and help Member States secure a solid health workforce.

Objective 2: To increase access to better and safer healthcare for all EU citizens. Action will aim at increasing access to medical expertise and information for specific conditions; developing solutions and guidelines to improve the quality of healthcare and patient safety through actions supporting patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, rare diseases, prudent use of antibiotics and high standards of quality and safety for organs and substances of human origin used in medicine.

Objective 3: To promote good health and prevent diseases by addressing the key risk factors of most diseases, namely smoking, alcohol abuse and obesity. This will involve fostering the identification and dissemination of best practices for cost-effective prevention measures; as well as specific action aimed at preventing chronic diseases including cancer.

Objective 4: To protect people from cross-border health threats. Action will contribute towards developing common approaches for better preparedness coordination in health emergencies, for example, improving risk assessment capacity and joint procurement of medical countermeasures.

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