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Design a layout zprávy UNICEFu v angličtině, francouzštině a španělštině


UNICEF pořádá na konci července (23. až 27.) v Amsterdamu velkou konferenci o AIDS. Při té příležitosti chystá vydat barevnou publikaci o zhruba 72 stranách v angličtině, francouzštině a španělštině a momentálně hledá firmu, která jí zajistí design a layout.
Detaily:  The vendor is expected to develop a contemporary and visually appealing publication, in which the design enhances the clarity of the messaging.
Publication design and typesetting:
• Design and layout in English of a colour publication of 48-72 pages, plus cover, page size A4.
• Design and production of publication graphics: figures, charts and infographics.
• Placement of photographs and captions.
• Design and layout of 4-page cover with spine.
• Layout of French and Spanish editions (using English version as a template).
• Production of PDFs for Web and print for all three language versions.
Deliverables – The Contractor will deliver to UNICEF the following:
1. Web PDFs of the full publication, including front and back covers, in English, French and Spanish.
2. Printer’s PDFs for the full publication, for all three language versions (covers and interiors).
3. The final InDesign files for all three language editions, including IDML files and links folders with all graphics in vector format (AI or EPS).
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