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Další z agentur OSN vypisuje tendr na “Služby grafického designu”



S vítězem tendru uzavře agentura OSN se sídlem v Paříži dlouhodobý kontrakt na 4 roky. Objem odhaduji na €300 až €400 tisíc.

O co půjde? Čistě o grafický design vlajkové publikace agentury – specializované výroční zprávy o 370 stranách – a další navazující půblikace a reporty. Jazyk tendru: angličtina.

Deadline 2/6

Základní požadavky na kapacity uchazeče:

• Organisational Capability & Expertise of the Firm submitting Proposal: It is mandatory that the firm has a minimum of seven years of international experience in multilingual graphic design for international audiences (relevant experience to be demonstrated).

• References of Firm submitting Proposal: It is mandatory for the Firm/Entity to have successfully provided Graphic Design Services to at least five organisations or companies. Prior experience in working with UN agencies or other international organisations is an advantage. (Provide list of clients and references).

• Experience and knowledge in the field of Graphic Design. It is mandatory for the Firm/Entity to have successfully implemented five graphic design projects of over 150 pages, containing graphs and photographs, in the last seven years. (Provide detailed examples and links).

• Technical know-how: Print-ready files in PDF format and graphic software (e.g., Adobe InDesign) in several language versions.

• Bidders are required to ensure the availability of at least four graphic design staff (at least one senior staff – 7 years of experience, one middle level – 4 years and two junior staff – 2 years) to render the services in a timely and efficient manner as described above.

 Předmět zakázky – požadované služby:

1. Graphically prepare the annual GEM Report, approximately 15 months between each cycle.

➢ Design research ➢ Photo research ➢ Creation of cover ➢ Creation of a coherent design scheme for all inside pages, including title page, preface, table of contents, chapter leads, photographs and index. ➢ Layout of approx. 370 text pages ➢ Creation of approx. 20 tables (from Word) ➢ Creation of approx. 100 figures (from Excel) ➢ Redrawing of maps based on UN and GEM REPORT specifications (approx. 2) ➢ Layout of approx. 80 pages of statistical tables (from Excel) ➢ Integration of corrections from authors into text and figures (approximately 100 hours) ➢ Adaptation of the English version to French and Spanish is mandatory, to Arabic, Chinese, and Russian is optional. ➢ Approximate total time for work: 16 weeks. ➢ The other official UN language versions are produced within an approximate four-week overlapping schedule.

2. Graphic design of the Summary Report (approximately 40 pages) in English, approximately 15 months between each cycle.

3. Graphic design of the Youth Report (approximately 20 pages) in English, approximately 15 months between each cycle.

4. Graphic design of the Gender Report (approximately 60 pages) in English, approximately 15 months between each cycle.

5. Graphic design of the Spotlight Report (approximately 60 pages) in English, one per year.

6. Graphic design of the Regional Reports (approximately 100 pages) in English, one per year.

7. Graphic design of the Policy Papers (approximately 16 pages each) in English, up to 6 per year.

8. Creation of interactive animated PPTs for the GEM Report and its related abovementioned materials using a range of graphics including photos, figures and other visuals. Up to 15 slides per PPT and up to 6 per year.

9. Design of other related outreach material throughout the year, including posters, banners, flyers, and other materials such as brochures, business cards, stationery and internet visuals for the launch of the Global Monitoring Education Report (approximately 20 hours).

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