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Branding services pro úřad Vysokého komisaře OSN pro lidská práva

Tendr na: Provision of Branding Services

Zadavatel: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Geneva

Doba trvání kontraktu: 1+1 rok

Popis: The project shall be for a strategic rebranding exercise, which includes a brand diagnosis, a perception study and the articulation of a renewed brand essence and footprint. It also aims at proposing an implementation plan, including a launch plan for 2018 and a variety of advocacy and communications tools, from traditional media to multimedia products, social media and advertising that will highlight the work of the UN Human Rights Office, but also provide elements for fundraising/engagement opportunities. The target audience will be the general public, Member States, civil society/grass roots organizations and the UN system, as well as donors including private ones.

Základní kritéria: EOI respondents must have at least five (5) years’ experience in brand development with a minimum of two(2) brand development projects undertaken at a global level with the United Nations or other similar international organisation, multinational corporation and/or global NGO (mandatory criteria required for technical competence).

Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 8/9

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