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Audit komunikačních aktivit Mezinárodního fondu zemědělského rozvoje (Řím)



Zakázka: Provision of Audit of Communications

Zadavatel: The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Rome, Italy

IFAD is an international financial institution and a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing countries.

Details: Undertake an audit to assess how the organization views and engages in communications, at all levels, and how these activities support its strategic communication agenda. This includes assessing how units, offices, divisions and departments in IFAD Headquarters in Rome and around the world in IFAD Country Offices, Hubs, etc. (see “Where We Work”) work with IFAD’s Communications Division (COM) and implement communications policies and guidelines. The research will evaluate communication work being done across the organization and the degree to which it is targeted to reaching and influencing key audiences, as well as the extent to which knowledge-sharing generally is targeted, and will identify which outputs were aligned to achieving the desired outcomes and what factors made a difference.

The audit will lead to an understanding of how the resources invested in, and processes contributing to communications throughout the organization, can support the achievement of IFAD’s strategic objectives (publicly available) now and in the future.

Results of the audit will be used as the basis of recommendations for the implementation of an expanded evidence-based approach to improve future communications work,including recommendations for organizational and policy changes that could lead to more efficient delivery of IFAD communications, particularly in light of IFAD’s increasingly decentralized workforce. These recommendations will inform the update of the IFAD Communication Strategy and related Action Plan which will be submitted to IFAD’s Executive Board for information in September 2019.

Essential Requirements:  Company/organization has minimum 10 years of relevant experience developing and implementing organizational effectiveness reviews or audits, with a focus on the strategic communication function, within the United Nations, its specialized agencies and/or international financial institutions,non-governmental organizations and/or foundations.  Proposed project leader as minimum 10 years of relevant experience developing and implementing organizational effectiveness reviews or audits, with a focus on the strategic communication function, within the United Nations, its specialized agencies and/or international financial institutions, non-governmental organizations and/or foundations. A minimum of three previous relevant projects already implemented and delivered – in particular with experience within the United Nations, its specialized agencies and/or international financial institutions,non-governmental organizations and/or foundations undertaken over the course of the past six years.

Deadline 25/1

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