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Key communication products on Climate Action

Tender: Services to refresh and apply ICAT’s branding across a number of key communication products

Zadavatel: The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)

Deadline: 21/8

This Request for Proposals (RfP) shall identify a suitable supplier(s) to provide services to refresh and apply ICAT’s branding across a number of key communication products (Lot 1), redesign and develop the ICAT website (Lot 2), and provide ongoing website maintenance and development support (Lot 3). ICAT encourages suppliers who can deliver all three lots to submit their proposals but will also accept proposals from suppliers delivering a single Lot.


i. Branding/Design (Lot 1): September 2020 to October 2020

ii. Website (Lot 2): September 2020 until November 2020

iii. Maintenance and ongoing support (Lot 3): December 2020 until November 2021

Branding, style and design (Lot 1) Although there is consistent usage of ICAT’s colour scheme across various products, no complete branding and style package currently exists. The new branding and website shall be contemporary, professional/minimalistic yet warm and inviting. There is a need to counter the limited visual/emotive communication of the Initiative to date by ensuring more imagery and graphical elements are embedded into the overall brand and style. The aim of the branding refresh is to support ICAT’s key messages with a vibrant and consistent visual identity across a range of products and channels to improve brand awareness, recognition and trust in ICAT’s work, and most importantly inspire support and collaboration from ICAT’s primary target audience1 . The alteration of the ICAT logo and the colour palette is not foreseen in this project, although it is explicitly encouraged to leverage the colour palette. The refreshed branding will also be applied across a suite of standard organizational assets (e.g. powerpoint templates, word templates, social media banners, icons, business cards, etc.). Although the refreshed branding will reflect the values and identity of ICAT, there should also be consideration regarding connecting with the design style of a few existing products that cannot be reproduced (e.g. a series of assessment guides which are a core component of ICAT’s work that were recently produced). The supplier should also approach this project with the clear understanding of the immediate application of ICAT’s branding and style to the design of the ICAT website.

Website design and development (Lot 2) The ICAT website was last redeveloped in 2018 and has undergone minor updates and adjustments to adapt to ongoing organizational developments. With the expected increase in results/content from ICAT’s country projects, the addition of more tools in the ICAT Toolbox, and the increase in knowledge sharing activities on offer, there is a need to enhance the ICAT website to better accommodate these developments and to improve the overall user experience. Considering these practical needs together with the communications objectives (primarily, to demonstrate the impact of ICAT and its added value to countries and beyond), it is important to enhance some of the functionalities of the website in order to tell ICAT’s story in a more engaging, visual, content-oriented manner for ICAT’s primary target audience. The ICAT website is to function as the ‘go to’ place that clearly establishes ICAT’s credentials through a positive user experience: Most importantly this is communicating ICAT’s impact, followed by what ICAT does, who is involved, the countries involved, the tools available, and the latest news on ICAT’s activities. The website will be visually appealing and at the forefront of modern web design, bridging the gap between the technical work it supports and the impact it has on the end beneficiaries. To complement this visual approach and to leverage its technical DNA, the website’s layout should allow content that is evidence-based/figure driven to shine. The website will be content driven, putting the stories, news, and blog posts at the centre and ensuring the user’s journey is supported. With the goal of providing a better user experience for our audiences, consultations with current users of the website, ICAT’s primary target audience, and the ICAT Communications Committee are being carried out. From preliminary findings, the following requirements should be considered: 1. Smart search/high-end library system 2. User retention (i.e. relevant content) 3. Interactive map showcasing the country work (incl. focus areas, projects, resources) 4. Toolbox landing page that both showcases the tools available and guides the users in relation to their needs It is important to note that the website will need to be connected via a programming interface with an online knowledge exchange platform planned for development at the beginning of 2021. The purpose of this would be that selected content from the ICAT website (e.g. events, eLearning courses, blog posts etc.), as well as many other similar websites, are available via the knowledge platform.

Maintenance and ongoing support (Lot 3) As a lean Secretariat, ICAT requires the supplier to provide yearly hosting, regular maintenance of the website as well as ongoing development support.

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