Category: EU
Information, promotion and marketing campaigns or stand-alone actions related to the agri-food sectorEstimated value excluding VAT: €30.000.000Buyer: Research Executive Agency (REA), Belgium,BrusselsDescription: Information, promotion and marketing campaigns or stand-alone actions related to the agri-food sector – The call for tender concerns the organisation of agri-food promotion campaigns in third countries in order to support the…
IT consultancy services in the area of metadata cataloguing and data warehousing support. Estimated value excluding VAT: 600 000,00 EUR Buyer: European Environment Agency (EEA), Denmark, Copenhagen Deadline for receipt of tenders: 16/04/2024 14:00:59
Call: External Service Provision – European Railway Agency Information Systems Development 7 Buyer: European Railway Agency (ERA), Valenciennes Framework contract for 4 years / estimated value excluding VAT: €5.000.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 17/04/2024 Background and objectives: “ESP-EISD 7: External Service Provision for ERA’s Information Systems Development” is intended as a service to support…
Platform for Advanced Virtual Human Twin Models Buyer: European Commission, DG CNECT – Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Brussels Estimated value excluding VAT: €24.000.000 Estimated date of publication of a contract notice within this procedure: 08/04 Description: A virtual human twin is a computational model of human patho-physiological processes at different anatomical scales. VHTs hold…
Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services Buyers: various EU institutions and agencies Total estimated value excluding VAT: €180.000.000 Deadline for receipt of tenders: 28/4 Description: The “Mixed Multiple Framework Contract for Thematic Communication Services” will offer contractual solutions for all types of communication projects with budgets up to €900,000. Activities covered include strategy…
Provision of data visualisation services The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), Ljubljana, Slovenia Planned negotiated procedure for middle/low value contract (under €144.000) Time limit for expression of interest: 06 March 2024 00:00 ask me how
Kdopak se to hlásí do tendru na Strategic, digital, production and training communications services pro European Banking Authority? Jenom pět firem: 1. DELOITTE CONSEIL SAS 2. RUMEUR PUBLIQUE 3. konsorcium INDEPENDENT PICTURES LIMITED + Restless (Europe) BV 4. MARCO DE COMUNICACION SA … a konečně 5. konsorcium Proficio Marketing s.r.o. + incognito studio s.r.o. +…
Zastoupení Evropské komise v Praze se bude stěhovat do nových prostor. Ty bude potřeba vyklidit, odstěhovat a zařízení (nábytek apod) dočasně skladovat až do doby, než bude darováno různým neziskovým organizacím nebo řádně odepsáno. Na výše uvedené služby bude Zastoupení v nejbližších dnech vypisovat výběrové řízení. Kdo se do něj chce dostat, musí nejpozději do zítřka…
To bid for an EU communication tender my client need to strengthen his team by: * native English speaker proof-reader. * native English experienced voice-over professional. * consultant(s) on communications and public affairs (Public and press relations; Public affairs in France and Germany; Public Affairs at EU level) or +32 473 116804
Název: Provision of services for development and consultancy on information systems under Time and Means conditions Zadavatel: European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Varšava Popis: The main goal of this procurement procedure is to establish multiple Framework Contracts with re-opening of competitions enabling efficient provision of services for development, implementation, consultancy and support of information systems…